Signs Shows Us Our Loved Ones Are Near

Over the past year, I have been on a quest to understand what I cannot see. Coming out of grief of a major loss, I needed to know my loved one was okay.

I recently read the book Signs by Laura Lynne Jackson. Laura Lynne is a psychic medium. Her books have helped many people "remember" that the spirit world is not so far away and while we cannot see our loved ones like we once could, we can still communicate with them.

For those experiencing grief or who are healing from the loss of a loved one, I highly recommend this book.

Laura Lynne shares stories of individuals who were able to develop signs to communicate with their loved ones on the other side. These individuals learned that their loved ones were trying to communicate with them the whole time!

She then shares common signs and a very simple, straightforward method to identify signs of meaning to you and how to ask your loved one to communicate with those signs.

It may sound too easy to be true, but it is true.

Your loved ones on the other side want you to know the love between you remains and that they are still there and will be by your side any time you think of them or ask for them.

If you doubt this to be true or your faith stands in the way of believing, consider that God is bigger than your understanding. I encourage you to open your mind and heart and find stillness to hear from God.

Then read Signs and start communicating with your loved ones.

What signs are your loved ones sending you? 
