God Is Love and Understanding: Align For Your Purpose

Dear ones,

God is love and understanding. It is difficult in the human experience to see and know this. Looking around there is so much negativity, day-to-day challenges and egoic thoughts that it can be hard to stay in touch with God's energy.

Please know that God's energy is love. It is all love. God has no judgment, judgment is a human thing.

There is no judgment in heaven. Believe me.

Yes, you may have been told about God's judgment all your life. Why would a loving God who made you perfect just as you are want you to suffer?

Release your shame, your judgment of others and your ideas that God is judging you. You are only judging yourself.

Your life was planned with great purpose

It is true, your life was planned with great purpose. In fact, your soul designed this life before you were born in order to learn important lessons that your soul can only learn through the human experience.

If your life has been hard with many challenging lessons, know that this means you are brave and your soul hoped for large growth through this life you are living.

This may seem counterproductive, but in fact it is a beautiful thing. You are deeply loved, deeply supported and deeply encouraged by God.

Angels surround and support you through your life

Heaven is not some far off place where we go forever when life ends. It is the opposite. Heaven is our home and we are all eternal beings. We just so happen to be living a life here now, but when we pass we return to our eternal self.

Heaven is a place of healing, love and growth - that is ultimately our true purpose and God is the creator. 

You have angels and your loved ones who have passed on to heaven surrounding and supporting you every day.

Your loved ones who have passed continue to support you and even work on your behalf helping to remind you of who you really are from the other side. What a beautiful gift! Just because something is unseen does not mean it is not real.

There are many teachers and healers on Earth now who teach you about this and help you "remember" this about yourself

From mediums who channel angel messages, like Julie Jancius to authors who bring together and illuminate healing modalities like Jen Weigel. This website Faith Stories brings messages of God's love and aims to also share those healers who will help you stay in tune with your soul and your purpose in this life.

Please open up and understand that there is nothing scary about these healing modalities. These healers are of God and are truly here to help you. As anything be wary of things that do not feel right. Come here to FaithStories.com to learn about vetted healers.

When you feel happy, supported and on the right track, this is when you are aligned with your soul's purpose

When you feel anxious, frustrated or angry, you are out of alignment with your soul's purpose. You must work through those low vibrational energies like anxiousness, fear, frustration and anger in order to find your way back to feeling happy and supported.

Know angels, loved ones and guides are all around you providing you love and support, sending signs of their presence, like beautiful birds, animals in nature, coins suddenly appearing and messages shared by people in your life that seem appropriate for what you need to hear.

You can ask them to show you that they are there. If you have a thought that a sign is from God or a loved one, it is.

Do not lose hope. Do not take life's struggles and let them bury you - the purpose of life is not hardship, it is how you take that hardship and move beyond it to help and heal others.

What a beautiful thing if all humans gave their lives to helping and healing others. This is your purpose in your own unique ways.

Let God and angels bless you in your life by being open to what you do not yet know or understand. Let us bring you good news and abundance.

All of this is achievable if you release your beliefs about how it has to happen, work toward happiness and wholeness and learn about healing.

Your soul will thank you for this and God will deliver you abundance for working on this.

Every day is a chance to reset, to find stillness and listen for your soul's voice. There are many loving beings knocking trying to speak with you. Do not be afraid and instead let their light shine in and bless you.

Make a list of what stood out for you in this article and know that this is what you are meant to work on right now.

Be blessed.
