Love Thy Neighbor: God Calls Us to Love Everyone

One of the first lessons I learned as a young Christian was that God loves me and made me in His image. Then I learned that He loved everyone else just as much.

I am lucky that this lesson was unwavering at my church growing up. Everyone was in and there were no outsiders.

I was surprised as I got older and experienced other versions of Christianity to learn that not everyone is "in." In fact, the same religious leaders who say God loves you started to put conditions on who God loves. I heard Christian leaders I had once followed start to identify who was "out."

I found myself at odds with religion. This was an incredible conflict for me. I knew in my heart of hearts that religion had it wrong — God made every person perfect in His eyes.

I now know that I was right.

The more I have learned about God and the ways of the universe, in particular the difference between the human ego and the soul's intuition, I now know that our soul's chose our life experiences and circumstances in order to learn important lessons.

Judgment is of the ego. It is a human construct.

When someone decides that God only loves people who are perfect or fit a certain norm, they are in judgment. Jesus tells us in Matthew chapter 7 that if we judge, we will be judged.

Instead of choosing judgment and trying to control others, what if you follow God's lessons to love others the way you love yourself?

Jesus told us numerous times in the Gospels to choose love. This does not just mean for those who are like you. It is a call to love EVERYONE.

God loves you. God is proud of you. God also loves everyone who is like you and completely different than you. God wants you to love them, too.

Is your judgment and Earth experience keeping you from seeing God in everyone?

