Why Is Life So Hard? Lessons You Planned for Your Life

Have you asked yourself why your life is so hard?

You are not alone. In fact, you may not be human if you have not asked yourself this question.

Let me first provide you with some validation – life is hard. Every moment should not be hard, but to live is to face challenges, hardships and loss.

As humans, we often look at our life and compare it to those around us. It is very human to to look around and question why others seem to have it easier than us.

Add the advent of the internet and times this by a million. Those of us alive today will struggle with comparing our hardships to others – it is impossible not to.

What if I told you there is another way to look at this?

If you have landed on this post, I hope I can provide you some new ways to view your hardships as well as some excellent resources.

What if you viewed your hardships as a gift? This is counterintuitive, I know.

Merriam-Webster defines a gift as "a notable capacity, talent or endowment." A gift is something you have gained.

If you look back at hardships behind you that you have overcome, can you see things for to be grateful? Paths that would not have opened if not for the hardship. Friends or connections that appeared at just the right time. Lessons you learned that gave you new perspective.

Perhaps that hardship was intended to deliver that "gift" so you could move forward to your next lesson.

What if I told you that you planned your toughest challenges?

Wouldn't that be wild? I learned this year that in fact, this is the case that we plan our toughest challenges.

This stopped me in my tracks. Why would we want to have a hard time? The answer goes back to our purpose for living in the first place.

In the last year, I've read two books that have transformed my understanding of the world and life itself  – they are both by author Rob Schwartz. I read Rob's book Your Soul's Plan and then immediately followed that up reading his second book, Your Soul's Gift.

Rob's books are dedicated to sharing the message that life has much greater purpose than we can see and understand.

In them, Rob shares a collection of messages that are channeled from angels and ascended masters, including Jesus. These stories reshaped my understanding of why seemingly bad things happen to good people and the purpose these moments serve in our lives.

What I ultimately learned and you can, too, is that you are dearly loved by God. At your soul level, you are an infinite being. You are a part of God as is every other person walking the planet.

Your life is a collection of lessons, the end of which you will take back all that you learned to your infinite self.

With this in mind, how can you change your perspective from life being so hard and doing things to you, to seeing your challenges as gifts, those hard fought lessons that you carry with you and can share to help others in their life.

Are you learning the lessons you are here to learn? What will help you move forward so you are not repeating the same lesson over and over?  

