God’s Blessings: Trust God and Be Patient To Receive Blessings

Have you ever felt like you are ready for something to come into your life, but it has not happened yet? It is like you know it is supposed to come, but the timing just has not worked out yet for whatever reason.

I have experienced this in many ways in my life. From waiting to meet my husband, experiencing infertility, working extra hard to reach professional achievements and even writing the content for this site. I can see what is possible, but the reality can take some time to catch up.

The journey is as important as the destination

In each of my experiences that have come to be, looking back I can see how important the path to get to that moment has been. If I had just received it right away, I would have missed the important lessons that became important to my getting and appreciating what I received.

Moreover, in each of these instances, I have gone through a range of emotions:

  • Excitement at the concept
  • Frustration it is taking so long
  • Jealousy for others who did not experience the same challenges as me
  • Resolve that there is something proactive I could do to help reach what I hope to bring into my life
  • Impatient as I will it to happen on my time
  • Finally, peace and understanding that I need to trust and wait for God's time

These are not necessarily linear. In fact, even if I reach the last state of peace and understanding, it does not mean I do not still have moments where I revert back to one of the other emotions. But I have learned to let the emotion be and pass through me so that I can get back to peace faster.

A pastor of mine once told me that the journey is as important as the destination. In my experience, the journey is even more important than the destination.

The destination feels different after you have had to learn to trust God and allow the blessing to come to you at the perfect time.

How do you learn to trust God?

You are not alone if you feel like you have been waiting for something for what feels like forever and you have lost your patience. I think that is a very human thing to do.

You may perceive that every one around you gets what they desire and you are alone in your struggles. While your and their struggles may be different, take heart to know that every one struggles.

Your soul actually came into this life looking to learn certain things and these things you are waiting for are most likely tied to your life purpose.

Learning to trust God and be patient takes time. I find it easier to listen and feel confident in God's perfect timing when I actively work on my spirituality, body and mind.

While you wait for your blessing to come, you can actively work on bettering yourself to be ready ready when this blessing comes to you.

Have you had to wait for something you hope to manifest into your life?

How can you step back and show God you trust and are ready for these blessings? 
