How to See Different Beliefs As A Good Thing

God wants better for you than what we as a society are currently accepting. God is bigger than you are seeing. Pull yourself out of seeing others as against you and follow these things to change your relationship with the world around you.

Don’t be persuaded that we have to make everybody be the same way.

How boring will this world be with only one kind of people with one kind of ideas? The parties would certainly be in heaven, so don’t fall into that trap to think everybody’s going to be like you.

God made all these other people on this Earth exactly as He desired them to be to live and learn and grow and so give them the space to do that while you get a chance to do that as well.

It’s hard not to worry about our future seeing people turn on each other this way, but the only way we change it is to change our own behaviors. Make little strides in your own daily life that are going to make big strides when we’re all doing it together.

It’s okay to be human. We are affected by all of the things happening in the world, so you must change your own actions and activities in order to be part of a change for the better.

If you’re a Christian remember that God asked us to love each other. Love your neighbors as you love yourself and that includes the people you don’t understand or are uncomfortable with.

Don’t let politicians or church leaders or people in power make you think there are others that God doesn’t love.

It boggles my mind that this is something talked about in churches. This is not who God is or why we were created to be here, so if that makes you feel uncomfortable you might need to ask questions about that.

If it doesn’t make you uncomfortable, why is that? Why do you think God doesn’t love and want all these other experiences for us?

What is the purpose of being here to just live in a fog and have people who agree with you surround you and not learn and grow at all?

I am confident we are here to learn, grow and expand. Every one of life‘s challenges are meant to teach us something, and if you can see that, then you can start to see the systems around you very differently and start to be curious about why people are different than you instead of just listen to what someone told you to think.

I promise you that most people are pretty amazing on all sides of issues and beliefs - if you are not taking time to see them it is time to start rejecting that notion and instead get curious about those people who are different than you. I promise you are going to learn some things, and also feel joy and love in your heart for choosing that path instead of one of hurt and harm and anger and fear and worry.

Don’t choose low emotions for yourself and instead remember you have the ability to choose high energies that feel great, like joy and happiness and wholeness and well-being.

This is what God wants for you. We are all here with purpose and on a journey. You cannot force someone to move from where they are on their journey to where you are on yours. You need to let them learn their lessons and live the life they were made to live.

This one is especially hard because we are bombarded everyday with messages to change and force change around us. But that is not how it happens. Change is seeded through love, safety and support. If you want someone to change, let go and let them find their way.

Journal prompt:  What beliefs about others do you need to question? Who and what questions can you ask learn about people and experiences that are different from yours?  How can you choose love instead of fear about those who are different from you? 
